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'The 62 reasons why some Catholics can not attend the new Mass of Pope Paul VI

were gathered by the priests of the Diocese of Campos in Brazil in an ancient study '


The arguments are of unequal value but manifest the problem posed by the reformed liturgy to the Catholic conscience.

Because the new Mass is not an unmistakable Catholic profession of faith (what the traditional Mass is), it is ambiguous and Protestant. So since we pray according to what we believe, it follows that we can not pray with the new Mass in the Protestant way and still believe as Catholics!
Because the changes were not small details but were in fact "related to a fundamental renovation ... a total change ... a new creation". (Bishop A. Bugnini, co-author of the new Mass)
Because the new Mass leads us to believe that "truths ... can change or be treated as if they did not exist, without there being unfaithfulness to the sacred deposit of the doctrine to which the Catholic faith is bound forever . "*
Because the new Mass "departs in an impressive way from the Catholic theology of the Holy Mass, as it was formulated at the XXIIth session of the Council of Trent" which, by fixing the "canons", provided a " insurmountable barrier to any heresy that would attack the integrity of the Holy Mysteries. "*
Because the difference between the two masses is not purely a matter of detail or a simple change of ceremony, but "so many eternal things are relegated to a minor place (in the new Mass) - as long as they are there. still find a place. "*
Because the "recent reforms have sufficiently shown that new changes in the liturgy can not be made without leading to the utter disarray of the faithful who already show signs of unrest and decline of faith. "*
Because in times of confusion such as ours, we are guided by the words of Our Lord: "You will know them by their fruits". The fruits of the new Mass are: a 30% drop in attendance at the Sunday Mass in the US (NY Times 24/5/75), 43% drop in France (Cardinal Marty), 50% drop in Holland (NY Times 5/1/76).
Because "in the best art of the clergy the practical result (of the new Mass) is a torturous crisis of conscience ..." *
Because, less than 7 years after the introduction of the new Mass, priests in the world have gone from 413'438 to 243'307 ... a drop of nearly 50%! (Statistics of the Holy See).
Because "the pastoral reasons advanced to justify such a break with tradition ... do not seem to us sufficient. "*
Because the new Mass does not manifest faith in the real presence of Our Lord, while the traditional Mass unequivocally manifests it.
Because the new Mass creates a confusion between the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist and his mystical presence among us (which is close to the Protestant doctrine).
Because the new Mass blurs what should be a marked difference between the hierarchical priesthood and the common priesthood of the faithful (as does Protestantism).
Because the new Mass favors the heretical theory that it is the faith of the people and not the words of the priest who makes Christ present in the Eucharist.
Because the insertion of the Lutheran "Prayer of the Faithful" in the new Mass follows and highlights the error that all the faithful are priests.
Because the new Mass removes the Confiteor from the priest - making it collective with the people - thus promoting Luther's refusal to accept Catholic teaching that the priest is judge, witness, and intercessor with God.
Because the new Mass gives us to understand that the people concelebrate with the priest, which goes against Catholic theology.
Because six Protestant ministers collaborated in the development of the new Mass: George, Jasper, Shepher, Kunneth, Smith and Thurian.
Because, just as Luther suppressed the Offertory - because he expressed very clearly the sacrificial and propitiatory character of the Mass - so the inventors of the new Mass suppressed it, reducing it to a mere preparation of the Oblates.
Because enough Catholic theology has been removed that Protestants can use the text of the New Mass without difficulty, while keeping their antipathy for the true Roman Catholic Church. Protestant minister Thurian (co-counselor for the New Mass Project) said that a new Mass fruit "may be that non-Catholic communities will be able to celebrate the Lord's Supper using the same prayers as the Lord's Supper. 'Catholic Church. »


The Vatican :

On homosexuality
"Although the particular inclination of the homosexual person is not a sin, it is a more or less strong tendency ordered toward an intrinsic moral evil; and thus the inclination itself must be seen as an objective disorder. Therefore special concern and pastoral attention should be directed toward those who have this condition, lest they be led to believe that the living-out of this orientation in homosexual activity is a morally acceptable option. It is not."

On Buddhism
"Auto-erotic spirituality."

The ordination of women
On the excommunication of seven women who called themselves priests: "... the penalty imposed is not only just, but also necessary, in order to protect true doctrine, to safeguard the communion and unity of the church, and to guide consciences of the faithful."

On same-sex marriage
"Call[s] into question the family, in its natural two-parent structure of mother and father, and make[s] homosexuality and heterosexuality virtually equivalent, in a new model of polymorphous sexuality."

On rock music
"[A] vehicle of anti-religion"; "the complete antithesis of the Christian faith in the redemption."

On cloning
"[A] more dangerous threat than weapons of mass destruction."


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